The Users’ Experience of Innovation Fund Denmark


This evaluation report surveys how users experience the administration of the programmes offered by Innovation Fund Denmark (IFD).

On behalf of the Danish government, IFD invests at an early stage in innovative projects with a potential to create growth, employment and solutions to societal challenges.

Findings from the report include:

  • Almost 90 per cent of the respondents from accepted projects completely or somewhat agree that the applications were processed quickly and efficiently. The same goes for 80 per cent of the rejected projects.
  • Roughly half of all projects completely agree that reporting requirements and administrative tasks during the project are easy and manageable. The highest fraction among users who agree to the statement is found among users of the InnoBooster programme.
  • Companies and universities agree that new or significantly improved technologies, products or business concepts are the most common outcome of the Grand Solutions programme. Among companies, as many as 93 per cent expect this result to a great extent.
  • It seems that the Grand Solutions projects contribute to long lasting networks and cooperation. Approximately two-thirds of the respondents expect (to a great extent) to continue their collaboration with other partners in the project.
  • InnoBooster grants have been of high importance for most companies. Without the grant, most companies would either have dropped the project due to high risk, deferred the project or reduced their own investment and level of ambition.
  • Among participants in the InnoFounder courses, we find large variations in their evaluation of the different elements of the course. Some find mentors, workshops and co-working spaces valuable, while others find that the value of the courses is limited.
  • The Industrial Researcher programme is found to be a knowledge boost to companies and a career boost for candidates.

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