A comparative analysis of seven world leading biotech clusters


IRIS Group has carried out an analysis of the performance of the biotech clusters’ framework conditions − from commercialization of research to growth in young biotech companies to stock listings and market introductions of new products.

In the analysis, the  development and growth conditions of the clusters are held against six leading foreign biotech clusters, including Boston, Cambridge, Paris and Stockholm.

The analysis shows, among other things, that the growth in the clusters today is largely borne by the companies that were established 10-20 years ago, while the supply and growth of young biotech companies have been modest in recent years. It also shows that the framework conditions in a number of areas appear significantly better in the foreign regions − especially in terms of access to venture capital and innovation funding.

The analysis is funded by the Novo Nordisk Foundation, the Capital Region, the Growth Foundation, the Ministry of Business, the Board of Research and Innovation and the City of Copenhagen.

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