Bæredygtig vækst og erhvervsfremme, Reports in English, Trends og teknologi

Digitalisation and automation in the Nordic manufacturing sector


IRIS Group has conducted an analysis of automation and digitization in the Nordic manufacturing industry for the Danish Enterprise Agency. The analysis has been prepared in conjunction with Denmark’s Presidency of the Nordic Council of Ministers, where automation and digitization has been selected as a focus area that offers potential for enhanced joint Nordic cooperation.

The analysis shows that the manufacturing industry continues to be important for growth and prosperity in the Nordic region, and that increased digitalization and automation represent significant opportunities for improved performance in industrial companies. At the same time, the analysis shows that the Nordic countries have a number of special advantages in terms of faster and better implementation of digital technologies than many other economies.

Despite the great potentials, the analysis also highlights a number of barriers to increased digitization and automation, which apply across the Nordic countries, but vary, however, depending on the individual companies’ prospective development opportunities.

Finally, the analysis maps national policies and initiatives aimed at increasing the digitization and automation level in the industry and proposes how to strengthen the efforts – both within and across the Nordic countries.

The analysis is based on a comprehensive review of international literature and statistics.